Welcome to the website of The Heather Smith Foundation, Inc.
Heather Smith was a member of the Boston real estate community for five years. Her career started at Koll Bren Schrieber Realty Advisors where she spent her first four years as an analyst and then progressed to Beacon Capital Partners in July of 2001. Heather was on a business trip to the West Coast and was aboard American Airlines Flight 11 on September 11, 2001. Heather was also the fiancée of MIT/CRE Alum, Mike Jammen.
Heather's family and friends, the Boston real estate community and the members of NEWIRE (New England Women in Real Estate) teamed together to form The Heather Smith Memorial Fund which has now become The Heather Smith Foundation.
To date we have awarded over $200,000 of fellowships to women attending the MIT Center for Real Estate Masters Degree Program.
In 2009 the Board of Directors has decided to expand the mission of the Foundation into other areas that were important to Heather. Please check this site for updates and additional information.